Home UpGraphics

ARTU's Engineering Graphics Services can provide you with the drawings you need to get the job done.  Whether it be fabrication drawings, electrical schematics, or even house plans,  we can provide you with computer generated (electronic) drawings at a cost equal to or less than conventional hand drawn renderings.  Your drawings are plotted on reproducible vellum so that you still can make the blue line prints that you need in the field.  However the electronic drawings offer many bonus benefits listed below.  In addition, for our customers without the necessary equipment, ARTU will plot their electronic drawings for them and even provide the blue line prints they need.

 ARTU Technical Services Engineering Graphics Key Features:

bulletReproducible vellum drawings up to 24" x 36" ("D" Size)
bulletBlueprint (blue line prints) available.
bulletAll drawings are done in accordance with ANSI Standard Y14.5   
bulletDrawings are done with your title block (Logo, etc)
bulletDrawing capabilities in most popular software programs (AutoCAD, ProEngineer, Anvil, Mechanical Desktop, etc.)  

 Benefits of Electronic Drawing:

bulletMinimal storage requirements for records retention.  Electronic drawings can be stored on a floppy disk or CD-ROM.
bulletRevisions are made more efficiently and in much less time.
bulletAccuracy and precision are incumbent in electric drawings, thus minimizing drawing related errors in the field.
bulletE-drawings can be transmitted by e-mail, thus getting your drawings where they need to be anywhere in the world (or out of this world to the International Space Station) in a matter of seconds.
bulletE-drawings lend themselves readily to three dimensional solid modeling, and opening the door to directly interfacing with CNC machining equipment, minimizing set up time on these machines.

Have we got your attention yet?  Are you ready?  Need more information?  Give us a call at (434) 660-5278 or send us an e-mail.  We will get together with you and at no obligation, discuss your engineering graphic needs and arrive at a solution that is best tailored for you.



Send mail to webmaster@artuts.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: December 02, 2003